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In Maria’s Words…October 2024


Updated: Oct 23, 2024

Greetings to Everyone Reading the Essential Drops of Joy Newsletter!

We are excited to feature the first four books on our website, perfect for gifts for your leaders, friends, or family members. These are also available as e-books. Unfortunately, our wonderful publisher went out of business during COVID, so I have created various topics in a coil-style book that is both helpful and easy to read. Feel free to place an order for any book of your choice or the entire collection. More titles will become available next year! More information below. Additionally, the Young Living website is showcasing Christmas gifts, which you can also use for your Essential Rewards. The Thieves product line now has new containers, reflecting the shape voted on by members at last year's conference.

Please note that you might occasionally see quick changes on the Young Living website. A couple of years ago, Young Living experienced a hack, and since then, the team has been proactive in addressing any security concerns to protect our system. If you notice a sudden change, please understand that the team is working hard to preserve all website information.

Last week, medical teams were administering flu shots at homes for the elderly and subsidized housing in Canada and the United States. For many elderly individuals, this marks their second flu shot. Alternative news media are reporting on the potential consequences of these shots. I have heard from friends who encountered adverse effects after being around others who had recently received vaccinations. In the past, Young Living members have successfully supported their immune systems with Young Living products. I recommend adding Zinc to your wellness protocol, along with any other flu remedies you find beneficial.

In my next newsletter, I will cover various health protection measures and items to have on hand for emergencies like floods, tornadoes, and other unexpected challenges.

Wishing you victory in all your endeavors and plenty of energy to tackle your projects!

Booklet #4 Now Available!

The Essential Drops of Joy Team has taken the initiative to produce several booklets. All four booklets are available now! These booklets feature easy-to-read print, coil binding, and are lightweight for manageable shipping. Available in both Digital download and physical copy! For details and to place an order, please visit our Etsy Shop. If you are local to Bozeman/Livingston Montana you do not have to pay for shipping.

Health Tips for the Season

We are now entering a crucial season that significantly impacts our health. According to Oriental medicine, the lungs and large intestine, which work together to detoxify and rejuvenate the body, are especially important. Improving intestinal function not only benefits the lungs and bowel but also supports overall organ, blood, and tissue health.

A cleanse can help prevent colds and flu and prepare you for the Christmas season. We recommend the cleansing kit, which includes Comfortone, ICP, and Enzymes, or you can purchase these items separately. The oil blend Di-Gize is also useful for abdominal massage. Additionally, drinking NingXia Wolfberry can support toxin removal and boost the immune system.

Holiday Gift Ideas

Now is the perfect time to consider using your Essential Rewards points for Christmas gifts. While you cover the postage, the products are free as part of the Essential Rewards program. Share the benefits of being on Essential Reward Members with others, emphasizing that they can change their product choices monthly.

Please also send out a small newsletter to your contacts, including inactive ones, highlighting products available for under $50. Consider suggesting items like Animal Shampoo or Animal Scents Ointment. We want our loved ones to benefit from pure products that enhance their lifestyles. Sharing personal testimonies can be particularly impactful.

Making a Shift: Change One Thing at a Time with NingXia

If you’ve struggled to stick to a health program or felt that you didn’t achieve the desired results, consider the Young Living Re-Set Kit. This kit allows you to make small, manageable changes one at a time.

The first noticeable change often appears on the skin, particularly on the face, as the body begins to detoxify at a cellular level. Once this process starts, rejuvenation spreads to both solid and hollow organs, ultimately strengthening overall body function.

As you incorporate the Wolfberry beverage—whether consumed as a concentrate or diluted in water—you will feel a shift. Dietary recommendations suggest avoiding meat at night, except for some fish, as red meat can take the entire night to digest. Instead, opt for alternative proteins as your last meal of the day.

Many members who receive this newsletter have reported positive changes and notable improvements in body function. Wolfberry, one of the world’s oldest remedies, has been used for both illness and maintenance. Gary Young even wrote a book highlighting how NingXia Wolfberry can aid eyesight.

Consider trying this program yourself or giving it as a Christmas gift to someone who would appreciate a simple approach to health and wellness. NingXia dried wolfberries can easily be incorporated into your diet as a snack, in salads, desserts, or mixed into your morning cereal.

I support all your efforts to improve and maintain health and appreciate your kindness in helping others.

Sincere wishes,


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